Project Description

UK Woodland Carbon Code Projects

0 kg
Carbon Reduction
0 trees
planted in UK woodlands

CarbonAid’s UK forestation project partners, since their establishment in 2006 have created 180 new woodlands, totalling 10.5 million trees and capturing 2.5 million tCO2e.

These woodlands help with flood mitigation, cleaner rivers and air, employment, sustainable timber, public access and new habitat. Although trees take time to grow many of these other benefits begin to accrue immediately.

All of our woodlands are signed-off at planting, at year 5 and at year 10 by the Forestry Commission. In addition to this, under the Woodland Carbon Code all projects are required to be ‘verified’ (this is a re-certification process) at years 5, 15, 25, 35 and so on, and this will be subject to the same audit as the initial certification.

The Woodland Carbon Code Credits are independently audited to ISO14065 standards before issuance of certified carbon credits which are also registered and listed on the well respected IHS Markit Registry.

The code ensures that the right trees are planted in the right places, that they are managed and monitored in the long term, that the projects are subject to periodic re-certification, and that there is additionality ie we can show that the project would not have proceeded without the intervention.

All these woodlands also conform to the UK Forestry Standard, which covers things like landscape, stakeholder consultation, biodiversity, soil, water, and archaeology.

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